Recognizing that we occupy a tiny space in this world but understanding the reach of our impact is an important lesson we teach at Kent Place. Throughout the various curricular areas, we strive to give our students the understanding and appreciation for how we connect to others, whether far or near. In order to achieve these goals, Kent Place School maintains partnerships with schools and other organizations domestically and abroad.
A longstanding and fruitful partnership in the Primary School is with the Integración Juvenil K-8 School, whose mission is to eliminate homelessness amongst children in the city of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Our Spanish language classes in the Primary School regularly communicate with the children of Integración Juvenil via letters and video conferencing.
In addition to crafting our own custom travel, we regularly partner with educational travel agencies, such as National Geographic and World Leadership School, in order to deliver the best possible learning experiences for our students.
Kent Place has welcomed student visitors from Kenya, Estonia, France, Argentina, the U.K., and the Philippines.