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Dragons Set to Soar This Winter

Dragons Set to Soar This Winter

The winter season sees seven Kent Place sports competing on a variety of surfaces. We offer basketball (Middle School and Varsity), fencing (Varsity), ice hockey (Varsity), squash (Varsity), swimming (Middle School and Varsity), volleyball (Middle School), and winter track (Varsity).

In their previous season, Kent Place Dragons had many notable performances across all sports, and among the highlights was Varsity Ice Hockey’s Cohen Cup win. “We’re very excited to get going again this season,” say Captains Morgan Reis ’25, Molly Brozowski ’26, and Ava Builione ’26. “We’re looking to continue building on what we started last year and feel confident that our group will be able to compete and succeed this one.” 

The Varsity Squash team took part in the Squash Nationals for the first time last February. Say Captains Piper Walsh ’25 and Julianna Abrantes ’26: “We’re looking forward to another competitive season. The team is ready to bring energy and focus to the courts, and we can’t wait to compete together.” 

Varsity Fencing had a great season last winter: Sabre and foil both earned bronze in big tournaments, Districts and Preps, respectively.

Varsity Basketball showed a lot of growth last year, and the athletes expect to continue to improve in 2024–2025. 

The Track team is off and, well, running. Say Captains Sophia DiSarno ’25 and Olivia Hand ’25: “Our team has gotten off to a strong start. With a bunch of new and returning sprinters and distance runners, we’re all excited — we already anticipate growth, fun, and personal records!”

The season began December 12. You’ll find the winter schedule here, and please do come out to cheer on our Dragons!