Sixth-grade TREP$ students have turned outdated Kent Place uniforms and donated fabrics into functional and fashionable new uniforms and athletic apparel as part of their latest challenge.
Kent Place seeks brave and brilliant girls who are eager to learn, excited to lead, and ready to take on the world.
We encourage students from every kind of family, neighborhood, and background to apply to Kent Place. Our Admission Committee considers academic effort, written recommendations, grades, an entrance test or screening, and a personal interview as they seek to understand each applicant as both a student and a person.
We can't wait to meet you
We're proud to say there's no typical Kent Place girl. In fact, we know that a diverse community is smarter, stronger, and more innovative than a community where everyone looks and acts and thinks the same. That said, Kent Place students tend to share some similar qualities. They're boundlessly curious. They see a challenge as an opportunity to learn. They look for ways to bring people together. They find joy in collaboration. They take pride in their own work, and they take pleasure in the work of others. They're willing to fail — and eager to learn from that experience. They care about the future; they see beyond themselves; they're determined to make a difference.